Amy's story

Amy Forsyth

Young mum, Amy Forsyth always knew she wanted to work in business, so when the opportunity came for her to take up a place on a business administration programme with our Employment and Training Unit (ETU), she grabbed it with both hands. Currently doing all of her training online and from home, Amy is already impressing her online assessors with her commitment and drive.

Tammy Davidson, Employment and Training Co-ordinator at ETU explains:

Amy started the business admin programme in early February and she has engaged in this virtual programme with enthusiasm and has excellent feedback on her contribution. She already has an interview for a position where she would complete her Modern Apprenticeship, and she has really prepared and researched for this, again showing the commitment she has to doing a great job.

Sarah McCulley, Service Manager at ETU explains:

Young people are facing many challenges in the middle of this pandemic, particularly as they try to enter the labour market. ETU is meeting these challenges head on, delivering against the Scottish Government targets set out under Young Person's Guarantee. This aims to offer every young person aged between 16 and 24 the opportunity to study at university or college, take part in an apprenticeship programme, take up a job or work experience, or participate in a formal volunteering or training programme according to their own personal circumstances.
ETU also has specific funding aimed at helping parents both in and out of work. Whether a young parent, like Amy, or those with more than 3 children, or a disabled child, there are many qualifying factors, so it's worth looking at ETU web pages where you can access more information.

To find out more about Young Person's Guarantee, or any of the programmes offered by ETU, contact the team:

Employment & Training Unit