Many information sources help to inform our Local Housing Strategy.

Through our Private Rented Database, we collect information from private rented sector adverts. This helps to build a picture of the private rented sector across Falkirk, it also helps us ensure that adverts contain the correct information.

We captured information relating to 201 adverts during July, August and September 2024 (Quarter 2). The information below relates to this quarter.

2024/2025: Quarter 2

  1. Table of contents

Housing sub market areas

Map showing housing sub market areas

This information will be updated quarterly. Older information can be accessed from our Renting privately: rental information (previous) page.

Average rents by size and housing sub market area

Housing sub market area 1 bedroom 2 bedroom 3 bedroom 4 bedroom 6 bedroom Total
Bo'ness £625 £780 £1,182 - £3,650 £881
Braes and rural south £663 £834 £1,100 - - £828
Denny and Bonnybridge £613 £739 £854 £800 - £783
Falkirk £604 £801 £1,028 £1,467 - £799
Grangemouth £658 £806 £915 £2,250 - £854
Stenhousemuir, Larbert and rural north £631 £793 £1,244 £1,698 - £902
Total £622 £797 £1,004 £1,568 £3,650 £832

Number of lets by size and housing sub market area

Housing sub market area 1 bedroom 2 bedroom 3 bedroom 4 bedroom 6 bedroom Total
Bo'ness 8 16 3 - 1 28
Braes and rural south 2 10 1 - - 13
Denny and Bonnybridge 2 7 9 1 - 19
Falkirk 20 59 8 3 - 90
Grangemouth 6 11 5 1 - 23
Stenhousemuir, Larbert and rural north 9 12 4 3 - 28
Total 47 115 30 8 1 201

Number of lets by property type and housing sub market area

Housing sub market area Flat House Total
Bo'ness 19 9 28
Braes and rural south 9 4 13
Denny and Bonnybridge 8 11 19
Falkirk 70 20 90
Grangemouth 16 7 23
Stenhousemuir, Larbert and rural north 17 11 28
Total 139 62 201

Numbers of lets covered by the Local Housing Allowance (LHA) by housing sub market area

Housing sub market area No Yes Total
Bo'ness 26 2 28
Braes and rural south 13 - 13
Denny and Bonnybridge 15 4 19
Falkirk 86 4 90
Grangemouth 22 1 23
Stenhousemuir, Larbert and rural north 28 - 28
Total 190 11 201

Contact us

Housing Services
Housing & Communities
The Forum, Suite 2
Callendar Business Park, Callendar Road