Many information sources help to inform our Local Housing Strategy.

Through our Private Rented Database, we collect information from private rented sector adverts. This helps to build a picture of the private rented sector across Falkirk, it also helps us ensure that adverts contain the correct information.

Housing sub market areas

Map showing housing sub market areas

Information from the last quarter can be accessed on our Renting privately: rental information (current) page.

Information from previously reported quarters


Renting privately - rental information 2024-25 Quarter 1


Renting privately rental information - 2023-24 Overview
Renting privately rental information - 2023-24 Quarter 4
Renting privately rental information - 2023-24 Quarter 3
Renting privately rental information - 2023-24 Quarter 2
Renting privately rental information - 2023-24 Quarter 1


Renting privately rental information - 2022-23 Quarter 4
Renting privately rental information - 2022-23 Quarter 3
Renting privately rental information - 2022-23 Quarter 2