If you or someone you know needs an interpreter to help you get council services,
you should ask for this when meeting with the department involved.
We are able to provide support in a number of languages and this can be available
in different ways.
Interpreting and translation services are provided on request and are free of charge.
We can help:
- In person to interpret what is being said at a meeting
- By arranging telephone interpretation
- By having someone who is able to use British Sign Language attend the meeting.
We can also produce written information in large print, Braille or on tape.
Interpreting services play a key role in ensuring that any of our citizens are able
to get the most appropriate language support to help them access our services.
contactSCOTLAND British Sign Language (BSL) Online Video Relay Interpreting Service
contactSCOTLAND uses video relay interpreting to enable deaf BSL users to have increased access to public services in Scotland.
To find out more and to use the service, go to the contactSCOTLAND website.